Remedy Bladder Infection | Children
Urinary tract infection (UTI, bladder infection), a common infection in children, kids, teenagers.
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UTI Signs Symptoms | UTI Causes Risk Factors | UTI E. Coli | UTI Catheters | UTI Antibiotics
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Urinary Tract Infection Remedy
Safe and Effective Lifeline for Those in Need for Natural Help

What All Health-Conscious Parents Must Know

UTI Uribiotic Formula | Andrew Mierzejewski | Master Formulator | Bioenergy Healing Practitioner | Registered Holistic Nutritionist

From time to time, you may hear or read scientific reports allegedly showing that such-and-such vitamin doesn't work or may even be harmful to your health.
They are a perfect example of the existing and often uninformed prejudice against nutritional supplements.
I sincerely hope that you do not believe in such anti-vitamin nonsense discouraging their use; and - most importantly - you won't allow these saboteurs distract you from achieving and maintaining your health through the natural means.

Aside from bedwetting, or "sleepwetting", bladder infections are the most common urinary problem among children.

According to a conservative estimate, 3 percent of girls and 1 percent of boys have had a detected urinary tract infection by the age of 11.

Recognizing and treating UTIs in children is important as untreated they can lead to serious, life-threatening kidney problems.

This website is intended to allow you to become an informed parent who can ask the right questions, insist on adequate management and information, and seek an optimal health outcome for your child.

Perhaps it will even help medical health professionals - pediatricians, urologists - to appreciate and, hopefully, consider the nutritional and lifestyle-based approach as the alternative treatment option for urinary tract infection in children.

E. Coli: The Most Common Cause of UTI

E.coli bacteria - the main cause of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women, men, children, teenagers and people with SCI (paraplegigs, quadriplegics). A picture from the USDA

E.coli bacteria. An undated file photo from the USDA

In most cases, urinary tract infection (UTI) in children is caused by a variety of pathogens - infectious bacteria - normally present in the intestines, especially in the rectum (colon).

Nearly all infections of the lower urinary tract - of the bladder and the urethra - are caused by a few strains of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), or E. coli for short.

Various harmless strains of E. coli bacteria are normally present in the body - but they do not belong in the urinary tract. These bacteria have multiple little hairs called cilia that function like little feet that allow them to climb from up the urinary tube, then into the bladder.

If E. coli bacteria get into the bladder or the urethra (tube that carries urine from the bladder), the body has ways of fighting them off - including the obvious methods of simply flushing them out with the urine.

These bacteria, however, have evolved ways of anchoring themselves to the cells of the urinary tract. The invading E. coli take advantage of receptors naturally found on the cells of the mucosal lining of the urinary tract.

These receptors are like molecular "docking bays" for substances which the cells need for their normal growth and development. Like pirates in an old movie, E. coli use "grappling hooks", called type I pili, to first hook on to these receptors, and then to invade the cell.

These pathogenic grappling hooks are composed of long, fibrous chains of a molecular "glue" called adhesin. Once inside the cell, E. coli can live and reproduce in safety, shielded from many of the body's defensive immune responses.

In fact, these immune responses are so sophisticated that when the body detects that cells have been infected and activates the cell suicide program to destroy the bacteria, E. coli can actually flee the dying host cell before it is flushed out - and look for new cells to invade!

UTI in Children: Top Risk Factors

  • Irritation of the urethra - many substances, such as soap, bubble bath, stool, or clothing can cause soreness of the urethra, which makes it easier for bacteria to invade.
  • Holding the urine in - this allows more time for the bacteria such as E. coli to get to the bladder and multiply in there.
  • Constipation - large amounts of stool sitting in the colon can press up against the bladder and urethra, thus making it more difficult for the bladder to drain completely. This allows uropathogenic bacteria to grow.
  • Improper wiping - this can increase stool and harmful bacteria around the urethra.
  • Anatomic abnormality - during development in the uterus, the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder, or the urethra, do not develop properly or are not hooked up right. This increases the risk of bladder infections. (More on this later).
  • Uncircumcised penis; however, it is only true that an uncircumcised male has a higher chance of bladder infections during the first year of life, this risk goes away after age one; therefore, it is no longer true that circumcising males leads to a significant decrease in the risk of bladder infections.

UTI in Children: Common Symptoms

These symptoms do not necessarily mean there is a bladder infection. They just mean there might be a bladder infection. The only way to diagnose it is checking a urine sample in the doctor's office or in lab.

  • Pain or burning with urination.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Urgency (your child will have a very strong, painful urge to urinate).
  • Fever (mild infections often w will not cause fever, but moderate to severe bladder infections that involve the kidneys do cause fever).
  • Foul-smelling urine.

PLEASE NOTE: Occasionally the bacteria causing a bladder infection with ascend up into the kidneys and cause a kidney infection. This can be serious, since kidney infections can scar the kidneys.

In this case, the symptoms of bladder infection are accompanied by:

  • Lower back pain or side pain - this is where the kidneys are located.
  • High fever - this indicates a possible kidney infection. Unlike "viral infections" in which the fever fluctuates between normal and very high, with kidney infections the fever stays high (usually 102º F or higher) and your child looks and acts progressively sicker; bladder infections usually do not cause fever.
  • Vomiting - this is also a common symptom when a kidney infection is present.
Fortunately, most bladder infections do not turn into kidney infections, and a small scar in one kidney infection is harmless. But kidney infections are to be taken very seriously and treated promptly.

UTI in Children: Medical Diagnosis

You bring your child into the doctor's office for a possible bladder infection. Checking a urine sample is the only way to diagnose it, as there is usually no outward sign on the penis or vagina that indicates an infection.

Urinary Analysis (U/A)
This test is commonly performed in the doctor's office or in lab. It just takes a few minutes - a dipstick is placed in the urine sample and up to ten different substances can be detected.

If the U/A is normal, and the child's symptoms are mild, then you can probably just observe the child for the next few days. To be sure, a doctor can also send a urine culture to the lab (see below). Therefore, you should call the doctor's office after one or two days to check the results. If positive, do not wait and call the next day again to check the sensitivity of the antibiotics (see below).

It the U/A is positive for infection, and the child's symptoms are moderate to severe, probably a urine culture will be sent to the lab to confirm. However, a doctor will start an antibiotic treatment now to avoid allowing the infection to get worse.

If the U/A is positive, but the child's symptoms are mild, a doctor may not start an antibiotic treatment while the urine culture is being done (since a positive U/A does not necessarily mean there is an infection).

Microscopic Urinalysis ((U/A micro)
A doctor may also wait a few hours for the lab to run a microscopic urinalysis - a drop of urine is examined under a microscope - to help in the decision whether or not to start an antibiotic treatment while the urine culture is running.

Urine Culture
With no dobubt, urine culture is the most accurate test to determine for sure whether or not an infection is present.The lab puts the urine sample in an incubator. If any bacteria are in the sample, they will multiply and show up. However, it takes 24 to 48 hours for the bacteria to grow enough to be detected.

Antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST)
If only one type of bacteria grows in the culture, the lab will expose the bacteria to a variety of antibiotics to see to which ones the bacteria are sensitive. This usually takes one day after the culture is positive. It helps to decide which antibiotic is best for the infection.

PLEASE NOTE: For older children with a known history of bladder infections - who have had several bladder infections with common symptoms - usually an antibiotic treatment is elected instead of going through the trouble of checking a urine sample. In these children, a urine may be checked perhaps every other infection.

UTI in Children: Standard Medical Treatment

Current standard medical care for a UTI includes taking oral antibiotics - a 5 to 7 day course (or longer for recurrent cases). If a kidney infection is suspected, a shot of a strong antibiotic can be given in the muscle to hit the infection harder, then continue with an oral antibiotic.

In addition to antibiotics, the following measures medical establishment considers useful:

  • Drinking cranberry juice - considered by medical establishment useful, in addition to antibiotics, in helping the bladder to more easily flush out the bacteria (three cups a day od diluted pure cranberry juice during the course of antibiotics are recommended).
  • Drinking lots of water - indreasing daily fuid intake to flush out the bacteria.
  • Urinating frequently - not holidng in the urine; it keeps the bacteria from multiplying inside the bladder.
  • Urinating in the warm bath - have your child sit in a warm bath and urinate if she or he is too afraid to urinate because of the burning.
  • Avoiding irritants - soap, bubble bath, and shampoo suds can irritate the urethra and wash away it's protective mucus layer. Avoid bubble baths and don't allow your child to sit in soapy bath water.
  • Avoiding tight underpants - this can irritate the urethra.
  • Proper wiping - you need to teacj your child how to wipe from front to back after having a bowel movement. For infants in diapers, be careful not to wipe around the vaginal area with a stool-contaminated wipe.
  • Avoiding constipation - large amounts of stool sitting in the colon can press up against the bladder and urethra, thus making it more difficult for the bladder to drain completely. This allows uropathogenic bacteria to grow.
  • Double voiding - have your child try to urinate twice each time to make sure the bladder is completely empty.
Periodic Urine Checks
After an antibiotic treatment, you should check another urine culture in about two weeks to make sure the urine has cleared up.

If your child has recurrent bladder infections, a urine culture should be checked every one or two months to monitor for infections. If your child goes for six months without an infection, you can space out these urine checks per your doctor's advice.

Prophylactic Antibiotics
For children who have recurrent bladder infections, a daily prophylactic, low-dose of antibiotics is usually given to control any bacteria that may get into the bladder.

Prophylactic antibiotics are appropriate - if a child:
  • has known anatomic abnormality that makes him prone to infections or
  • does not have abnormality but continues to have infections despite the non-medical preventions.
Typically children will take an antibiotic for six to twelve months, then come off of it and monitor the urine with periodic urine culture checks.

UTI in Children: Limitations of the Antibiotic Treatments

It is a well-known fact that common antibiotic treatments:

  • do not successfully kill all the bacteria participating in the infection - even after the antibiotic treatment the number of bacteria reproducing drop to zero, and
  • may, in fact, encourage many of the bacteria to persist in a resting, inactive state.
Even after a month of antibiotic exposure, about 10 million of the original 1 billion bacteria may remain.

Therefore, current standard drug treatments for bladder infections are not adequate and this phenomenon may account for many of the repeat urinary tract infections or non-responding to antibiotics.

UTI in Children: Drawbacks of the Antibiotic Treatments

Although routinely used, standard antibiotic treatments have many drawbacks, such as:

  • antibiotics successfully kill both the unwanted micro-organisms and wanted micro-organisms;
  • long-term or often repeated antibiotic use leads to major disturbance in normal body microflora, and sometimes to major disruption in health;
  • antibiotics, such as Bactrim, may cause stomach upset, rash, and allergic reactions;
  • many girls end up with nasty yeast infections; as the friendly bacteria are killed off along with the bad bacteria, the antibiotic insensitive yeast can then grow out of control.
Therefore, due to the hazards, especially of prolonged antibiotic therapy, the need for antibiotics used to clear up the infection, should be reduced, as all antibiotic therapies carry with them the risks of developing:
  • antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
  • gastrointestinal problems, and
  • adverse effects, especially on the liver and kidneys.

Urinary Tract: Natural Self-Defense Systems Against Bacteria

The natural safeguards - bodily defense systems that protect the urinary tract against pathogenic, infection-causing bacteria include:

  • The flow of urine which functions as an antiseptic, helping to wash potentially harmful bacteria out of the body during normal urination. (Urine is normally sterile, that is, free of bacteria, viruses, and fungi!).
  • The ureters (tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder) and bladder which are structurally designed to prevent urine from backing up toward the kidneys.
  • The bladder lining - when bacteria infect the cells that line the bladder they, literally, sacrifice themselves and self-destruct (a process called apoptosis). In so doing, they fall away from the lining, carrying the bacteria with them. This process, sugested by some interesting research, eliminates about 90% of the E. coli.
  • The male urethra is longer than the female's, not allowing bacteria quick access to the bladder and this probably accounts for why males are less likely than women to develop urinary tract infection. In addition, a male's urethral opening is farther from sources of bacteria from the anus.

Repeated UTIs in Children: Possible Factors

Children who have had three or more (3+) infections a year are likely to continue having them. In other words, they can get another infection within 18 months of the last one, or even more requently.

Possible multiple factors behind recurrent urinary tract infections include:

  • The ability of E. coli bacteria to attach to cells lining the urinary tract.
  • Chemical irritation due to commercial toiletries, such as bath additives and washing powder.
  • The separate infections, stemming from a strain or type of bacteria different from the infection before (even when several urinary tract infections in a row are due to E. coli, slight differences in the bacteria indicate distinct infections).
  • The inadequacy of the current standard drug (antibiotic) treatments for urinary bladder infections.
Some children, however, have recurrent symptoms suggestive of urinary tract infection - but without infection being present. Although this condition is not serious, it can be troublesome.

Because of the chance of kidney infection (pyelonephritis), repeated or chronic urinary tract infections should be always treated thoroughly to ensure that the urinary tract is free of bacteria.

UTI in Children with Anatomic Abnormalities

Sometimes, aside from having ordinary bladder infection during their childhood, children can have anatomic abnormalities in the way the kidneys, bladder and urethra are hooked up that can cause recurrent bladder infections.

There are four possible abnormalities:

  • Tight or posterior urethral valves - the valve or sphincter that normally keeps the bladder from emptying can sometimes be too tight or in the wrong position. This prevents the bladder from emptying completely, and can make the urine back up and cause backpressure on the kidneys. This can cause the kidneys to dilate, which can lead to serious kidney damage, called hydronephrosis (back-pressure).

    Newborns born with this problem can either already have kidney damage from in utero backpressure, or can develop kidney damage rapidly during the first few months of life. This condition that occurs mostly in males is rare, but does need to be diagnosed quickly. One clue to this problem is a weak urine stream. The urine will dribble out instead of shooting out to hit you in the face.

  • Vessico-ureteral reflux (VUR) - the problem here occurs where the urine tubes from the kidneys empty into the bladder. These tubes are called the ureters. A one-way valve normally prevents the urine in the bladder from going back up into the ureters and kidneys.

    Some children are born with immature ureter valves that allow the urine to go backwards and cause backpressure on the kidneys, or hydronephrosis. The backpressure on the kidneys isn't as rapid and severe as the above problem, but over time it can damage the kidneys. Children will often outgrow this problem as the valves mature over several years. Some, however, do not.

  • Abnormal kidneys or ureters - very rarely the kidneys, or the tubes that drain them into the bladder, can develop abnormally in a variety of ways. This prevents the urine from draining properly into the bladder and can lead to infections.

  • Hypospadias - a male birth defect in which the urethra develops abnormally, usually on the underside of the penis. The opening can occur anywhere from just below the end of the penis to the scrotum. A form of hypospadias in which the genitals are abnormally positioned can also develop in females.

UTI in Children with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Neurological conditions like paraplegia, a spinal cord injury, also called spinal cord impairment (SCI), usually result in neurogenic bladder - an unstable or atomic bladder, with no muscle tone.

Children with spinal cord injuries have lost, partial or complete, control over their bladder and sphincter due to the compromised nerve receptors that are responsible for:

  • contracting and relaxing the muscles of the bladder and the sphincter, and
  • registering feelings of pressure or release.
Due to this condition, most paraplegics are exposed to the regular use of catheters and drugs. (The more traditional cap and bag, with continual drainage, is falling from favor even though it is a safer system).

However, catheters often increase the risk of urinary tract injuries and repeated bladder infections - a common problem in children with spinal cord impairment.

Exposed to repeated or long-term courses of antibiotics, in time, they also develop resistance to drugs what makes maintaining healthy urinary tract for them even more difficult.

However, contrary to a popular belief and common medical practice, children with spinal cord injuries or spinal cord impairment do not have to:
  • suffer from chronic bladder infections and
  • be exposed to vicious antibiotics.

D-Mannose: Natural Alternative to Antibiotics

Fupplemental D-mannose, a close cousin of glucose, can cure up to 90 percent of all E. coli bladder infections within 1 to 2 days. Even more remarkably, D-mannose accomplishes this feat without killing a single bacterium!

And because it gets rid of these bladder infection-causing bacteria without committing "bactericide," children who use it suffer none of the unwanted side effects of antibiotics:

  • no gastrointestinal (GI) problems,
  • no yeast infections, and
  • no resistant bacteria.
In fact, supplemental D-mannose has no adverse side effects of any kind.

It Tastes Good!
As a bonus, D-mannose actually tastes good. Where a "spoonful of sugar" helped the medicine go down in Mary Poppin's day, with D-mannose, a spoonful of sugar is the medicine.

It Is Effective and Safe!
Because it is so effective and so benign, women (even pregnant women) who are susceptible to recurrent bladder infections, can safely take supplemental D-mannose as a preventive measure to head off future E. coli attacks.

It Is Suitable for Children
D-mannose is also ideally suited for children with bladder infections. Because it tastes so good (it is a sugar, after all!), children actually enjoy taking it.

It Is Just As Effective As Antibiotics
Although D-mannose is still virtually unknown to many practitioners of conventional medicine, many research reports have demonstrated its mode of action and effectiveness against E. coli, the microorganism that causes most bladder infections.

Moreover, several years of clinical experience have shown that it is just about as effective at curing bladder infections caused by E. coli as antibiotic drugs.

It Has No Known Drawbacks
At first glance, D-mannose may sound too good to be true: a "medicine" that's highly effective, perfectly safe, pleasant to use and available without a doctor's prescription. Yet, it is true!

Unlike virtually any conventional medication, and many natural or alternative treatments as well, supplemental D-mannose has no known drawbacks.

D-Mannose Vs. Antibiotics

When faced with a potentially pathogenic germ like E.coli, conventional, pharmaceutically based medicine typically confronts the problem by throwing the most potent poisons it can find at the bugs - antibiotics.

While there is nothing essentially wrong with killing disease-causing bacteria, this approach does have some very serious drawbacks. Happily, "bacteria-cide" is not the only possible avenue of attack.

Another, more natural way to eliminate E. coli infections from the urinary tract is to beat them at their own game. If they are going to cause trouble, bacteria usually have to find a way to adhere (stick) to the body tissue they are infecting.

In bladder infection, E. coli attach to cells lining the bladder and urinary tract using filmy, hair-like projections called fimbria on their cell walls.

At the tip of each fimbrium is a glycoprotein (a combination carbohydrate and protein) called a lectin that is programmed to bind to the first molecule of the sugar mannose that it encounters.

It turns out that molecules of mannose (produced inside urinary tract lining cells) naturally dot the surfaces of these cells. Here they act as "receptors," inviting the fimbria of E. coli to attach, and allowing them to bind to the tissue in a tight, Velcro-like grip.

If not for this attachment to the cell's mannose, any E. coli that had successfully ventured up the urethral river would be unable to stick to the slippery surface and would be washed right back out on the next tide of urination.

How Does D-Mannose Work?

Now imagine what would happen to E. coli in the urinary tract if those sweet little mannose molecules they crave were present not just on the surface of the epithelial cells but surrounding them in the urine as well.

The E. coli could not turn around without bumping into D-mannose "just floating around" in the urine. Unable to resist the tasty bait they suddenly find themselves swimming in, they would latch onto the nearest mannose molecules, and happily sail off into the porcelain sunset.

Those few E. coli left clinging to mannose molecules on cells then become easy prey for white blood cells and other agents of the immune system.

In addition to its natural occurrence in the cells lining the epithelial tract, the sugar D-mannose is also found in relatively large quantities in fruit such as peaches, apples, oranges, and certain berries, like cranberries and blueberries.

Extracted in the form of D-mannose, a white crystal sugar similar to glucose, it can be easily dissolved in a liquid and swallowed. (Mannose can also be synthesized from other simple sugars.)

When someone with bladder infection consumes a dose of D-mannose, the sugar is absorbed in the upper GI tract, but at a much slower rate than most other sugars. (For example, glucose is absorbed more than eight times faster.)

Moreover, unlike other sugars, D-mannose is not readily converted to glycogen (and stored) in the liver, but instead passes directly into the bloodstream largely unchanged what makes it suitable for diabetics.

As the D-mannose-laden blood passes through the kidneys, a considerable proportion of the sugar is extracted and added to the urine.

The D-mannose-sweetened urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder and on to the urethra, literally sugar-coating any free-floating E. coli it might encounter, so they cannot stick to cells any more.
E. coli already "velcro-ed" to the inner surface of the bladder and urinary tract, ultimately flushing them all down the drain.

D-Mannose: First Line of E. coli Treatment

First, the "molecular mechanism" of the action of supplemental D-mannose on E. coli is scientifically proven. There is no argument at all about this among researchers who have studied it.

Second, literally tens of thousands of women working with natural medicine doctors have successfully applied this science to their own bladder infections.

Considerable circumstantial evidence, combined with common sense and several of clinical experience, makes a compelling case for the therapeutic value of supplemental D-mannose.

Epidemiological Evidence
Perhaps the best available evidence, though, comes from the experience of people who have used it. Natural medicine-oriented physicians have been recommending D-mannose to people with bladder infection since the mid-1980s with great success.

In one case, a 5-year-old girl had almost continuous bladder infections for her entire life that had failed to respond to every antibiotic therapy her physicians tried (72 doctors in all!).

At the end of their rope, her doctors were now considering a kidney transplant, since her kidneys were starting to fail due to years of chronic infection.

Since urine culture showed her bladder infection was due to E. coli, she was started on D-mannose (1 tsp in a glass of water every 2-3 hours). Within 48 hours, her infection had vanished, and her kidneys were saved!

Laboratory Studies
In one laboratory study, for example, rats' urinary tracts were inoculated with E. coli. Within one day, those rats also given D-mannose were found to have significantly lower levels of bacteria in their urine.

In another study, administering a mannose-like substance (niethyl a-D-mannopyranoside) to E. coli-infected mice led to a 90 percent reduction in bacterial attachment to the urinary tract.

Research in humans shows that ingesting D-mannose significantly elevates blood mannose levels, a prerequisite if urinary levels are to rise.

d-Mannose MAX: Health Benefits Summary

As know perfectly well, not all D-Mannose products are created equal. Therefore, the results vary from "amazing"to "okay." In a nutshell, the main health benefits of our complex supplemental d-Mannose MAX, can be summarized as follows:

    • It supports healthy urogenital flora*
    • It does not affect “friendly” bacteria*
    • It delivers a naturally occurring sugar (mannose) with protective properties*
    • It does not interfere with normal blood sugar regulation which makes it suitable for diabetics*
    • It goes to work in your system quickly*
    • It supports the immune and urinary tract systems*

At Full of Health, we are sure that d-Mannose MAX will do as much for you as it has done for our clients, patients and customers. If thousands of women and men have benefited from it you can benefit as well.

d-Mannose MAX Powder
Non-Prescription E. Coli Remedy

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: One Scoop (5.6 grams/0.2 oz.)
Servings Per Container: 30 Vegetarian
Amount Per Vegetarian Serving:

  • Calories: 20
  • Total Carbohydrates: 5 g
  • Vitamin C: 6.8 mg
  • Calcium: 76 mg
  • D-Mannose: 500 mg
  • Cranberry Juice Powder (Vaccinium macrocarpon): 500 mg
  • Olive (Olea Europea) Leaf Extract: 100 mg
  • FOS (Fructoooligosaccharide): 1,000 mg
  • Fibersol-2™ Brand** (digestion resistant maltodextrin): 1,000 mg
  • Proprietary Nondairy Probiotic Blend: 750 mg
    • Containing 4 Billion CFU/g of the following strains:
    • Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei,
    • Bifidobacterium breve, Streptococcus thermophilus,
    • Bifidobacterium longum.
  • Stevia Leaf Extact: 18 mg
Other Ingredients: Citric acid, Tricalcium phosphate, Natural wild berry flavor, Silica, Red beet powder (color), Natural mixed berry flavor.

**Fibersol-2™ fiber content is tested using AOAC method 2001.03
Fibersol-2™ is a trademark of Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., LTD.

Recommended Intake

I. For 24-Hour Relief:

  • Mix one (5.5 g) scoop in 1/2-1 glass of purified, lukewarm water and drink four (4) to six (6) times per day (every 2 to 3 hours).
By far the most frequent success with d-mannose MAX has been achieved by the women who have suffered single (non-recurrent) episodes of bladder infection. About 90 percent of the time, bladder infection which is caused by E. coli, will respond to d-Mannose MAX treatment with significant symptoms reduction within 24 hours. In almost 90 percent of such cases, it usually clears the infection in 1 to 3 days.

PLEASE NOTE: Even though symptoms are improved within 24 hours, d-Mannose MAX should be continued for 2 to 3 days after the last symptom is gone, just to "make sure."

II. For Prevention:
  • Mix one (5.5 g) scoop in 1/2-1 glass of purified, lukewarm water and drink once (1) or twice (2) a day.

IV. If Your Infection Persists

If you try a course of d-Mannose MAX and the infection persists do not just keep going on with d-Mannose MAX in hopes that it will eventually "kick in." Discontinue the use of it and consider taking other supplements.

Although up to 90 percent of bladder infections are caused by E. coli bacteria, the remaining 10 percent are caused by a variety of other Enterobacteriaceae and Gram-positive pathogens such as:
  • Staphylococcus saprophyticus - 5 to 15 percent cases of urinary tract infections,
  • Group B streptococcus - bacteria that can be found in the digestive tract, urinary tract, and genital area of adults,
  • Chlamydia trachomatis - one of the most common cuases of bladder infection, especially urethritis,
  • Mycoplasma hominis,
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae,
  • Enterococcus faecalis,
  • Proteus mirabilis, or
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa - the third leading cause of hospital-acquired urinary tract infections, accounting for approximately 12 percent of all infections, and usually related to urinary tract catheterization, instrumentation or surgery.
    Therefore, if a bladder infection treated with d-mannose MAX does not show significant improvement within 24 hours (about 10 percent of cases), it is likely that the causative organism is not E. coli.

    d-Mannose MAX
    Description of Nutrients

    • D-Mannose is a glyconutrient and has many helpful health benefits. Glyconutrients are vital because they are eight types of sugars (known as saccharides) that formulate crucial compounds within the body. Antibodies and digestive enzymes are glycoproteins that assist the body’s cells in communicating with each other, which is highly beneficial to health.*
      • D-mannose also removes “bad” bacteria by attachment and voiding.*
      • It’s absorbed eight times slower than glucose and, when ingested, is not converted to glycogen or stored in the liver but, rather, goes directly into the blood stream from the kidneys to the bladder. Therefore it does not interfere with blood sugar regulation.*
      • The bacterium displaced by Mannose is responsible for 80-90% of UTIs, whereas antibiotic treatment may cause an imbalance in the normal flora.*
    • Cranberry Juice Powder naturally contains Malic, Citric and Quinic Acids which are the active ingredients that acidify the urine and keep unwanted material from adhering to the cells that line the bladder wall.*
      • These acids also promote thorough cleansing of the urinary tract.*
    • Olive Leaf Powder works directly against unwanted materials by supporting your own protective cells (phagocytes) to ingest them without suppressing the immune system or damaging the body’s beneficial flora.*
      • Additionally, Oleuropein supports the immune system response and aids in detoxification.*
    • FOS (Fructooligosaccharide) & Fibersol-2™ are two types of soluble fibers that support balanced intestinal micro flora and because they are so soluble and less dense, they mix instantly and do not cause bloating or gas like other fiber products.*
      • They have been shown to support proper bowel function, regularity, fecal volume, beneficial intestinal micro flora popluations, healthy digestive tract, and supports cholesterol, triglyceride and blood sugar levels within normal ranges*
    • Proprietary Shelf Stable Non-Dairy Probiotic Blend contains 4 Billion CFU/g of the following strains:
      • Lactobacillus acidophilus,
      • Lactobacillus casei,
      • Bifidobacterium breve,
      • Streptococcus thermophilus,
      • Bifidobacterium longum.

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    Selected References

    • Lenard, L., et al. D-Mannose: natural treatment for urinary tract infections. Vitamin Research News. 17(7), 2003. [D-mannose can cure more than 90% of all UTIs within 1 to 2 days. This is because 90% of UTIs are caused by Eschericia coli, the only bacteria against which mannose is effective].
    • Martinez JJ, Mulvey MA, Schilling JD, Pinkner JS, Hultgren SJ. Type 1 pilus-mediated bacterial invasion of bladder epithelial cells. EMBO J. 2000 Jun 15:19 (12):2803-12.
    • Sauer FG, Mulvey MA, Schilling JD, Martinez JJ, Hultgren SJ. Bacterial Pili: molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2000 Feb; 3 (1):65-72.
    • Wright JV. D-Mannose for bladder and kidney infections Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. 1999 Jul; 192:96-8.
    • Toyota S, Fukushi Y, Katoh S, Orikasa S, Suzuki Y. Anti-bacterial defense of the urinary bladder. Role of mannose in urine. Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi. 1989 Dec; 80 (12):1816-23.

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    Although Uribiotic is an effective complementary remedy for promoting
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    The bitterness of poor results lingers long after the sweetness of low price.

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    If you would like to discuss your ordering options, please give us a call:

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    UTI in Children: Supplemental Probiotics

    It is well known that pharmaceutical antibiotic treatments:

    • successfully kill both the unwanted micro-organisms and wanted (beneficial) micro-organisms;
    • lead to major disturbance in normal body microflora, and sometimes to major disruption in health;
    • may cause stomach upset, rash, and allergic reactions (e.g. Bactrim);
    • in women usually lead to nasty yeast infections caused by Canadia albicans; as the friendly probiotic bacteria are killed off along with the bad bacteria, the antibiotic insensitive yeast can then grow out of control.

    Therefore, due to the hazards, especially of prolonged antibiotic therapy, the need for antibiotics used to clear up the infection, should be reduced, as ALL antibiotic therapies carry with them the risks of developing:

    • antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
    • gastrointestinal problems, and
    • adverse effects, especially in the liver and kidneys.

    Antibiotics Versus Probiotics

    We all know, more or less, what antibiotics are, but we still don't know exactly what probiotics are, when they should be used, and who needs them. Let's clear up a little bit of the confusion.

    The term "probiotic" is used to describe the beneficial bacteria that inhabit the human intestinal tract. The word is derived from Greek and literally means "for life."

    Probiotics are found in fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir. Many of these foods rich in probiotics are still of great importance to the diets of most of the people in the world.

    Scientists, however, have found a way to freeze-dry these beneficial bacteria and put them in capsules. The specific microorganisms found in these capsules are usually lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are the major probiotics found in the human intestinal tract.

    According to clinical research, probiotics promote proper "gut flora" and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and systemic immunity. Therefore, they offer many health benefits.

    One of the best-documented applications of probiotic supplements is in the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs). As the efficacy of probiotic supplements is based solely on the number of live organisms present, successful results are attained by taking the minimum of 50 billion viable bacteria per day.

    Ultra Strength Probiotic Bacteria Complex

    Like everything else, not all supplemental probiotics are created equal. Therefore, the results can vary from "amazing"to just "okay." Health benefits of our UT Probiotics, an ultra strength, multiple-strain probiotic supplement can be summarized as follows:

    Don't be fooled by very low-priced dietary supplements. Many are made from cheap, unhealthy synthetic ingredients.

    • It offers urologic support.
    • It offers immune system support.
    • It is suitable for individuals who are lactose intolerant.
    • It demonstrates normalizing digestion (by adhering to the cells of the intestinal wall without damaging it).
    • It supports regularity.

    Here are the key factors that make UT Probiotics different from other probiotic formulas:

    • It is non-dairy and multi-strain to best mimic normal human flora.
    • It contains 9 species of microorganisms from non-dairy sources. Because each strain has an affinity for a different part of the digestive tract, and a unique mechanism of action, a product that delivers multiple strains is preferable to single strain products.
    • It is guaranteed to contain 52.5 billion CFUs of microorganisms in each vegetarian capsule.
    • It contains added Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), a soluble fiber and prebiotic that selectively supports the proliferation of intestinal probiotics for digestive tract health.
    • It is safe for daily use.
    • It is both acid-resistant and bile acid-resistant as it remains alive at a pH range of 3.0 - 7.0.
    • It is capable of reaching their site of action within the gastrointestinal tract by surviving:
      • the acid environment of the stomach (where pH can fall to below 3),
      • the actions of bile acids present in the intestines which can destroy many microorganisms.
    • It can survive then transit through the stomach, especially when it is consumed with other food.

    UT Probiotics Ultra Strength
    Non-dairy Probiotic
    Urinary Tract Health Support*

    Supplement Facts
    Serving Size: One Capsule
    Capsules Per Container: 30 Vegetarian
    Amount Per Serving:

      Ultra Strength Probiotic Bacteria Complex... 52.5 Billion CFU
      • Lactobacillus acidophilus
      • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
      • Bifidobacterium longum
      • Bifidobacterium bifidum
      • Bifidobacterium lactis
      • Lactobacillus casei
      • Bifidobacterium breve
      • Streptococcus thermophilus
      • Lactobacillus salivarius

      Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)... 25 mg

    Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose (capsule), rice maltodextrin, vegetable stearate.

    UT Probiotics is vegetarian and free of citrus, corn, gluten and added yeast.

    Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule three times daily with meals, preferably with breakfast, lunch and dinner/supper.

    PLEASE NOTE: If you have a history of taking antibiotics due to repeated UTIs you must take probiotics for at least 3 consecutive months. This is the minimum time needed to restore and re-establish the body beneficial microflora damaged and killed by pharmaceutical antibiotics.

    UT ProbioticsUltra
    Description of Nutrients*

    I. Lactobacilli (L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus, L. casei, L. salivarius) are located in the small intestine and produce lactic acid. Many strains of bacteria from the Lactobacillus family have been shown to support urogenital and vaginal health, regularity, production of the lactase enzymes and protect the gut lining from unwanted materials.

    L. acidophilus helps to inhibit some types of detrimental bacteria by:

    • stimulating the production of endogenous antibiotics (Bacteriocins),
    • lowering bodily pH,
    • stimulating the production of organic acids such as lactic acid and acetic acid,
    • competing with detrimental bacteria for nutrients deconjugating bile acids.

    L. acidophilus can inhibit such detrimental bacteria as:

    • E. coli
    • H. pylori
    • Klebsiella pneumoniae
    • Listeria monocytogenes
    • Salmonella
    • Shigella dysenteriae
    • Shigella sonnei
    • Staphylococcus aureus

    L. acidophilus primarily colonizing the small intestine helps:

    • alleviate constipation in up to 90% of people afflicted with chronic constipation cure some cases of diarrhea by re-establisheing the flora of the intestine eliminate flatulence,
    • prevent gastric ulcers by inhibiting detrimental bacteria Helicobacter pylori implicated in gastric ulcers,
    • eliminate intestinal parasites,
    • alleviate some of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
    • increase the absorption and bioavailability of dietary iron,
    • facilitate the production of vitamin K within the intestines.

    PLEASE NOTE: Garlic is known to stimulate the growth of L. acidophilus. Therefore, the function of L. acidophilus can be enhanced by supplemental garlic present in UTI Uribiotic Formula.

    Substances that interfere with L. acidophilus:

    • microorganisms such as Candida albicans (detrimental yeasts) may kill L. acidophilus,
    • pharmaceutical antibiotics; however, supplemental L. acidophilus can re-establish the endogenous L. acidophilus that are "killed" by antibiotics,
    • recreational drugs such as alcohol (ethanol) may destroy L. acidophilus.

    L. rhamnosus helps to accelerate the removal from the body of detrimental bacteria: single-celled microscopic organisms that are capable of exerting toxic effects on the body.

    As L. rhamnosus adheres to the cells of the intestinal wall without damaging it, it helps:

    • reverse intestinal permeability,
    • alleviate colitis and Crohn's disease,
    • prevent and treat diarrhea.

    II. L. salivarius is a strain of beneficial bacterial that has been shown to resist low pH conditions. It has also been shown to support immune system function by modulating certain cytokines (IL-10 and IL-12). In vitro studies have shown that L. salivarius strongly adheres to human epithelia cell lines. This interaction with the mucosa demonstrates its support of the intestinal immune system.

    III. Bifidobacteria (B. lactis, B. breve, B. longum, B. bifidum) are located in the colon and produce lactic and acetic acids, making the gut a very inhospitable place for unwanted materials. Bifidobacteria have been shown to promote regularity.

    IV. Streptococcus thermophilus is also a lactic acid producer, which lines the gut wall to provide a barrier from unwanted materials, promotes regularity and produces the lactase enzyme.

    V. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are considered a soluble fiber and prebiotic, which supports the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestinal tract.

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    Probiotics and UTI (References)
    Lactobacillus rhamnosis and UTIs (Research)
    Peer-Reviewed Professional Journals

    • Reid, G., et al. Oral use of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and L. fermentum RC-14 significantly alters vaginal flora: randomized, placebo-controlled trial in 64 healthy women. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 35(2):131-134, 2003.

      Lawson Health Research Institute, Canadian Research and Development Center for Probiotics, London, ON, Canada.

      Urogenital infections afflict an estimated one billion people each year. The size of this problem and the increased prevalence of multi-drug resistant pathogens make it imperative that alternative remedies be found. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 64 healthy women given daily oral capsules of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14 for 60 days showed no adverse effects. Microscopy analysis showed restoration from asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis microflora to a normal lactobacilli colonized microflora in 37% women during lactobacilli treatment compared to 13% on placebo (P=0.02). Lactobacilli were detected in more women in the lactobacilli-treated group than in the placebo group at 28 day (P=0.08) and 60 day (P=0.05) test points. Culture findings confirmed a significant increase in vaginal lactobacilli at day 28 and 60, a significant depletion in yeast at day 28 and a significant reduction in coliforms at day 28, 60 and 90 for lactobacilli-treated subjects versus controls. The combination of probiotic L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. fermentum RC-14 is not only safe for daily use in healthy women, but it can reduce colonization of the vagina by potential pathogenic bacteria and yeast.

    Lactobacillus acidophilus and UTIs (Research)
    Laypersons' Publications

    • Batchelder, H. J. Probiotics for intestinal health. Health Journal News & Views. 3(15), 2000.

      Lactobacillus acidophilus (powder) inserted into the vagina may reduce the recurrence of urinary tract infections.

    • Hudson, T. Naturopath Tori Hudson on treating chronic urinary tract infections. Health Journal News & Views. 3(12), 2000.

      Recurring urinary tract infections can cause the depletion of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Lactobacillus acidophilus may help to prevent or treat UTIs by maintaining the acid environment of the vagina (in women). It may also inhibit the colonization of E. coli in the bladder and may interfere with the ability of E. coli to adhere to the lining of the bladder. Pharmaceutical antibiotics used in the treatment of UTIs can cause the depletion of Lactobacillus acidophilus.

    Lactobacillus acidophilus and E. coli (Research)
    Peer-Reviewed Professional Journals

    • Nader de Macías, M. E., et al. Prevention of infections produced by Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes by feeding milk fermented with lactobacilli. J. Food Protection. 56:401-405, 1993.

    UT Probiotics Ultra Strength Non-dairy Probiotic Bacteria Complex Online Orders
    UT Probiotics Ultra Strength Non-dairy Probiotic Bacteria Complex | Online Orders
    Secure Online Orders

    UT Probiotics Ultra Strength Online Order Page American & Inernational Customers  United States and Worldwide (USD) 
     (Except Denmark, Germany, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates) 
    UT Probiotics Ultra Strength | Online Order Page | American & International Customers

    (If you are outside the United States)

    The website software we use makes it difficult to include a variable international shipping fee for different countries. Therefore, if our cost of shipping to your destination country is significantly different from the Shipping Fee at checkout we will contact you by e-mail with a shipping quote for your approval.
    We do not charge for any product until it is ready to ship from our Philadelphia, PA warehouse by U.S. Postal Service (USPS).

    Our Promise:
    You may rest assured that you will NEVER be put on any automatic reorder scheme!

    Although Uribiotic is an effective complementary remedy for promoting
    urinary tract health and healing, it is not a replacement for conventional medical treatment.
    I understand that the information provided herein is not a substitute for medical examination and/or diagnosis; and that is recommended that I see a physician for any physical ailment that I might have and for any new exercise activity, dietary supplementation or diet program that I intend to begin.
    I understand that Full of Health, Inc. does not have a money-back guarantee policy and shall not be liable for any issues whatsoever that may arise from the use of/or reliance upon any information obtained and/or any products purchased online through the website of the said company.
    By placing my order, I have agreed to accept the conditions of sale contained herein.

    Concerned About the Cost? Remember:
    The bitterness of poor results lingers long after the sweetness of low price.

    Secure Online Payment

    Please note that your payment may be subject to a fee from your local bank. Additional fees (if any) are calculated by your credit card provider, not by Full of Health. For further information, please contact your financial institution.

    UT Probiotics Ultra Strength | Phone Assistance
    Phone Assistance

    If you would like to discuss your ordering options, please give us a call:

    • 1. 705. 304. 6246 (US/Can) Mon. Wed. Fri. 11:00 am - 3:00 pm EST (Holidays Excluded).

    If there is nobody available to take your call, kindly . We will get back to you next business day.

    PLEASE NOTE: If the e-mail link above doesn't work (an error message) you need to enable (activate) JavaScript in your web browser or install it on your computer.

    Advanced Urinary Tract Support: Naturopathic Program

    Uribiotic Formula | Herbal Remedy Uribiotic Formula | Bladder Infection Remedy
    d-Mannose MAX Powder | E. coli Remedy d-Mannose MAX Powder | E. Coli Remedy
    UT Probiotics Ultra Strength UT Probiotics Ultra | Urogenital Flora Support
    Low-Grain, Low-Sugar UTI Cookbook The Low-Grain, Low-Sugar Delight | UTI Diet Cookbook
    Remedy Bladder Infection | Free e-Pamphlet FREE e-Pamphlet | Say NO! to Urinary Bladder Infection

    Urinary Bladder Infection (UTI): Questions NEED HELP OR ADVICE?
    Contact us by Remedy Bladder Infection | Uribiotic Formula or by phone: 1. 705. 304. 6246 (US/Can)
    Mon. Wed. Fri. 11:00 am-3:00 pm EST (Holidays Excluded)

    UTI Uribiotic Unisex Formula: Advanced Urinary Tract Support © 2003-2022 Urinary Bladder Infection. Natural UTI Cure Treatment Prevention. Holistic, alternative, herbal and nutritional treatment for cystitis (infection of the bladder), urethritis (infection of the urethra) and urethral symdrome. Prevent and remedy urinary tract infection (UTI) in children without antibiotics and drugs. The information provided herein on bladder infection in children is a general overview on this topic and may not apply to everyone, therefore, it should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. While reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on bladder infection in kids and teenagers, Full of Health Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from use of the UTI herein.
    URIBIOTIC and FULL OF HEALTH are registered trademarks of Full of Health, Inc.

    About Us: Full of Health, Inc. Free information on bladder infection in children | Natural UTI cure treatment prevention

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